Monday, December 06, 2010

Did CIA set up Paraguayan president in paternity scandal?

December , 2010 -- Did CIA set up Paraguayan president in paternity scandal?

Was Lugo a victim of CIA bio-genetic warfare?

It is being reported that it was the CIA that requested Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton to issue directives in cables to U.S. diplomatic missions abroad to collect DNA, iris scan, fingerprint, and photo identification data on various world leaders and other government officials....

A March 24, 2008, cable from Rice requested such data as part of "reporting and collection needs for Paraguay" and specifically requested the DNA, iris scan, and other information on leading presidential candidates in Paraguay, including Minister of Education Blanca Ovelar, former Vice President Luis Castiglioni, Lino Oviedo, and the ultimate victor, former Roman Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo.

Lugo, a Marxist Catholic "liberation theologist" was, after his inauguration, confronted by charges from a woman named Hortensia Moran that he was the father of her child. Lugo submitted to a DNA test, which cleared him. In early 2010, another paternity suit against Lugo was withdrawn...

However, the first paternity suit brought against Lugo, after Rice requested his DNA samples be collected, showed that he was the father of a son conceived with 26-year-old Viviana Carrillo. After the positive DNA paternity test, Lugo admitted that the boy, Guillermo Armindo, was his son.

However, the fact that it was the CIA that requested DNA samples on Lugo throw into question the entire paternity scandal episode against the former bishop. Lugo, a progressive Latin American ally of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, and Rafael Correa -- all targets of U.S.-inspired coups and unrest, was weakened not only by the paternity scandal but also by his sudden diagnosis earlier this year with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

The CIA's "Frankenstein science" of MK-ULTRA and MK-DELTA mind control, chip-implanted assassins, LSD experimentation on innocent human guinea pigs, exotic assassination weapons, methods and Modus Operandi..., creating and using the infamous White House Murder/assassinations INC, worldwide but especially in the Levant since January 24th 2002, in a joint venture with Asef SHAWKAT from Syria's military Intelligence in a string of assassinations in Lebanon and Syria...., pathogenic weapons development, and other criminal research against humanity are well-known and well-documented. However, the CIA's request for DNA samples on world leaders may be an indication that the CIA has changed the game and is now involved in bio-genetic weapons research and deployment...

The CIA's Technical Services Division, once headed by the infamous Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, has been accused of research into fast-acting cancer and other bio-weapons that were to have been used against world leaders, including Y. Arafart and Patrice Lumumba.

As a result of break-throughs in gene-synthesism, DNA samples can also be cloned and used to frame individuals for various crimes and other purposes....[ STL included...] The CIA has a long history of using blackmail, extortion, and false flag tactics in their clandestine operations....

The CIA has trained assassins who have murdered priests, nuns, and the Archbishop of San Salvador. President Lugo may have been another convenient Catholic target for the CIA's "weird science" practitioners. And with Rice's and Clinton's imprimaturs on the leaked State Department cables directing the collection of DNA samples for the CIA's program, that makes Rice and Clinton no less guilty of committing war crimes than the Nazis who were tried at Nuremberg....

    Monday, 24 March 2008, 18:30
    S E C R E T STATE 030340
    EO 12958 DECL: 02/27/2033
    REF: 07 STATE 161706
    Classified By: PAULA CAUSEY, DAS, INR. REASON: 1.4(C).

    1. (S/NF) This cable reports the results of a recent Washington review of reporting and collection needs for Paraguay. The review produced a list of priorities (paragraph 5) intended to guide participating USG agencies as they allocate resources and update plans to collect information on Paraguay. The priorities also serve as a useful tool to help the Embassy manage reporting and collection, including formulation of Mission Strategic Plans (MSPs).

    2. (S/NF) Important information often is available to non-State members of the Country Team whose agencies participated in the review of this National HUMINT Collection Directive. COMs, DCMs, and State reporting officers can assist by coordinating with other Country Team members to encourage relevant reporting through their own or State Department channels. 3. (S/NF) Please note that the community relies on State reporting officers for much of the biographical information collected worldwide. Informal biographic reporting by email and other means is vital to this effort. When it is available, reporting officers should include as much of the following information as possible: office and organizational titles; names, position titles and other information on business cards; numbers of telephones, cell phones, pagers and faxes; compendia of contact information, such as telephone directories (in compact disc or electronic format if available) and e-mail listings; internet and intranet "handles", internet e-mail addresses, web site identification-URLs; credit card account numbers; frequent flyer account numbers; work schedules, and other relevant biographical information.

    4. (S/NF) This National HUMINT Collection Directive (NHCD) is compliant with the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), which was established in response to NSPD-26 of February 24, 2003. If needed, GRPO can provide further background on the NIPF and the use of NIPF abbreviations (shown in parentheses following each sub-issue below) in NHCDs.

    5. (S/NF) Priority issues and issues outline:

    A. Terrorism and Crime 1) Terrorist Threats and Activities (TERR-2) 2) Government Counterterrorist Response (TERR-2) 3) Impact of Corruption and Government Response (CRIM-3) 4) Narcotics Trafficking and Government Response (DRUG-3) 5) Money Laundering (MONY-3)

    B. Political Dynamics and Democratization 1) Political Stability (DEPS-3) 2) Democratic Practice and the Rule of Law (DEPS-3) 3) Foreign Relations (FPOL-4) 4) Human Rights (HRWC-5)

    C. Economy, Trade, and Investment 1) Economic Policies and Performance (ECFS-3) 2) Trade (TRAD-4) 3) Foreign Investment (TRAD-4)

    D. Military and Security Issues 1) Critical Infrastructure Protection (INFR-4) 2) Military Structure and Capabilities (FMCC-4) 3) GRPO can provide text of this issue. 4) Health and Medical Developments (HLTH-4)

    E. Information Infrastructure and Telecommunications (INFR-4)

    6. (S/NF) Reporting and collection needs:

    A. Terrorism and Crime

    1) Terrorist Threats and Activities (TERR-2) - Information on the presence, intentions, plans and activities of terrorist groups, facilitators, and support networks - including, but not limited to, Hizballah, Hamas, al-Gama'at al-Islamiya, al-Qa'ida, jihadist media organizations, Iranian state agents or surrogates - in Paraguay, in particular in the Tri-Border Area (TBA). - Indications or evidence of terrorists' or terrorist support networks' involvement with narcotrafficking, money laundering, human smuggling, and/or other criminal activities as a means of obtaining funding or other logistical support; details on companies or organizations linked to terrorists or terrorist activity, to include financial transactions, shipping records, addresses, and associated companies/organizations. - Terrorist or terrorist support network plans and activities in the areas of recruitment, training, support, communications networks, local and regional command and control. - The arrival or expansion of Islamic NGOs or leaders with known or suspected radical affiliations. - Ties between and among terrorist organizations; evidence of terrorist links to government-including local/regional-officials, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (such as Jama'at al-Tabligh, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, and the Muslim World League), front organizations (including companies providing logistical or financial support), and organized criminal groups. - Identities information of terrorist members to include fingerprints, arrest photos, DNA, and iris scans. - Modus Operandi of individuals and terrorist groups, their use and/or modification of passports, seals/caches, and travel documents. - Plans, intentions, and activities of domestic terrorist groups and regional terrorist groups that operate in Paraguay.

    2) Government Counterterrorist Response (TERR-2) - Information on the government's policy, plans and intentions for addressing the terrorist threat, including support for or opposition to the United States in the war against terrorism; Paraguay's position in regional and international fora, including support for or objection to U.S. counterterrorism policies. - Security services' capabilities, at the national and local levels, to counter terrorist groups and their activities; government plans or intentions to further develop or expand those capabilities. - Details of police and security services' efforts and programs to identify, monitor, and disrupt terrorist activities throughout Paraguay, and particularly in the TBA. - Government plans and efforts to deploy biometric systems. - Willingness to cooperate with the U.S. Government and other governments on counterterrorism issues, including the sharing of terrorist data; challenges (political, economic, financial, or personal) the government or government officials face which may influence their cooperation. - The status of, and prospects for, counterterrorism-related legislation.

    3) Impact of Corruption and Government Response (CRIM-3) - Details about organized crime groups, including leadership, links to government or foreign entities, drug and human trafficking and smuggling, kidnapping, counterfeiting, illicit arms trafficking, money laundering, connections to other international organized crime or terrorist groups, movement of organized crime into legitimate business structures, their locations, support structures and means of coordinating operations, with particular emphasis on their efforts to influence, suborn or corrupt government, law enforcement or security officials. - Information on the involvement of government, military, or security services personnel in corrupt practices, including officials involved in narcotrafficking and arms smuggling, trafficking in persons, funds diversion, influence peddling, bribe solicitation, blackmail, fraud--especially of travel documents--and nepotism; the impact of government corruption on efforts to pursue, capture, and prosecute terrorists and the effect on popular confidence in the government. - Details of corruption in government offices, particularly in the attorney general's office, the judiciary, and the customs service; status of any government efforts to combat corruption. - National, regional, or international criminal activity, including economic distortions caused by criminal activity; the government's efforts to devise and implement plans and policies to combat criminal activity; the level of cooperation with foreign security services on detecting, monitoring, and intercepting illicit arms and other smuggled goods.

    4) Narcotics Trafficking and Government Response (DRUG-3) - Details of narcotics trafficking and associated criminal activities, particularly in the TBA and other border regions; illicit drug shipments and trafficking nodes, modalities, and routes. - Details on drug trafficking organizations, including leadership (biographic information and biometric data), communications (types and sources of technologies used), and methods of operation, to include processing and storage sites, methods of laundering money, and activities of front companies (financial activities, shipping records, addresses, and associated companies). - Traffickers' subversion or coercion of political, economic and judicial officials and systems, including attempts to gain influence through campaign contributions; impact of corruption from drug traffickers on executive offices, legislatures, military and security organizations. - Connections between narcotics traffickers and international organized criminal or terrorist groups. - Government control and enforcement plans, organizations, capabilities, and activities; military and police roles in combating drug trafficking or contributing to the trafficking. - Government plans and efforts to interdict the movement of narcotics through the TBA and elsewhere. - Details of legislative initiatives to improve counternarcotics enforcement and prosecutions.

    5) Money Laundering (MONY-3) - Evidence of international organized crime, terrorist networks, drug producers, people smugglers, arms traffickers, government officials, military, and security services involvement in money laundering. - Details on the methods used to conduct illicit financial transactions. - Identification of financial organizations and businesses (names of personnel and physical location/address of entities), including exchange houses and informal mechanisms such as hawalas, involved in money laundering, the means employed, and the amounts and frequency of activity. - Government willingness and ability to enforce current law, investigate, and prosecute money laundering and illegal financial activities, to include plans to tighten financial controls and strengthen its financial intelligence unit. - Information about the underground market for treasury notes, bearer bonds, and other financial instruments.

    B. Political Dynamics and Democratization

    1) Political Stability (DEPS-3) - Plans and intentions of the government and ruling party to prepare for, or influence the outcome of, the April 2008 election. - Leading candidates and emerging leaders -- to include their views of, and plans for relations with, the United States, Venezuela, Cuba, and other Latin American nations - especially for the 2008 election. - Political parties' and candidates' preparations for the 2008 election; electoral politics, party platforms, tactics, and strategies employed in the run-up to the election and plans for the post-election period. - Information-before and after the election-on governing and opposition parties' alliances, rifts, internal factions, and constituencies, including key people, tactics, and strengths. - Details of post-election internal politics and political maneuvering during the transition from one administration to another. - Information on financial or material support to candidates, parties, or interest groups from foreign governments, especially from Cuba or Venezuela; post-electoral aid commitments from foreign governments. - Details of corrupt, illegal, or unethical activities aimed at subverting the electoral process. - Biographic and financial information on all leading contenders, and especially on Minister of Education Blanca Ovelar, former Vice President Castiglioni, Lino Oviedo, and Fernando Lugo; and biometric data, to include fingerprints, facial images, iris scans, and DNA, on these individuals.

    2) Democratic Practice and the Rule of Law (DEPS-3) - Evidence of commitment, or lack of commitment, on the part of the government, political parties, or special interest groups to democratic principles, rule of law, transparent, corruption-free governance practices, and free and fair elections. - Details of political deal making and bargains and the resulting impact on popular confidence in the elections and the political process; indications of government or political party bargaining over the candidacy of Lino Oviedo and his campaign.

    3) Foreign Relations (FPOL-4) - Information on the government's foreign policy plans and intentions toward neighboring states, regional powers (including the United States), and key international actors. - Status of the government's relations with and views of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his domestic and foreign policies and actions; the Paraguayan government perspective on Venezuelan efforts to influence Paraguay's political process or leadership. - Information on Paraguay's relationship with Cuba and the Paraguayan government perspective on Cuban activities and influence in Paraguay; Paraguay's policy on Cuba in international and regional fora and the Paraguayan leadership's views of the United States' Cuba policy. - Student exchange programs and philanthropic activities in Paraguay sponsored by Cuba or Venezuela. - Paraguay's relations with the MERCOSUR organization and its member countries in that multilateral environment. - Details of Paraguay's position on U.S. policies and actions in the region and internationally, including Paraguay's views on, and participation in, multilateral sanctions endorsed by the United States and/or the United Nations. - Information on key bilateral regional relationships, especially for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia. - Relations with Iran and information on Islamic facilities, including mosques, cultural centers, etc., supported by Iran. - Information on other key bilateral international relationships, especially for China, Taiwan, and Russia.

    4) Human Rights (HRWC-5) - Government plans and intentions with regard to human rights issues, in particular willingness to crack down on - or disregard - violations by police, military or security services. - Performance of the police, military, and security services in upholding or violating human rights. - Government programs and efforts to prevent violence, trafficking in persons, prostitution, forced labor, slave labor, or vigilante activity.

    C. Economy, Trade, and Investment

    1) Economic Policies and Performance (ECFS-3) - Information on the state of the economy, the national budget, and internal and external debt; information on economic indicators, particularly for growth and inflation, including views of the government, political leaders, academics and other experts on Paraguay's economy and its future prospects. - Details on government efforts to improve economic performance by developing and implementing policies on taxes, investment, labor, or other resources. - Details of the effects on the general population of economic developments and programs. - Impact on the economy of the discovery of potentially large gas and oil deposits in the Chaco region. - Government willingness and capability to fairly and equitably enforce the law on economic, financial, and banking issues and uncover/prevent illegal activities. - Paraguay's interest and participation in the MCA Threshold Program.

    2) Trade (TRAD-4) - Status of trade with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and other countries in the region, including government positions on future opportunities, areas for expansion, and potential areas of conflict; the impact of MERCOSUR on Paraguay's trade and the Paraguayan government's assessment of its benefits, potential drawbacks, and future prospects. - Paraguay's intentions with regard to ratifying Venezuela's membership in MERCOSUR. - The Paraguayan government's policies and positions related to trade with the United States; indications of genuine Paraguayan interest in negotiating a trade agreement with the United States; developments in Paraguay's position on intellectual property rights legislation and enforcement. - Paraguayan plans and intentions to expand their requests for market access to the United States beyond their traditional commodities - beef, textiles, and sugar.

    3) Foreign Investment (TRAD-4) - Government plans and intentions to attract additional foreign investment to Paraguay, including details of incentives and disincentives for foreign investment in Paraguay. - Government and business views on the impact of rising crime and concerns about the independence of the judiciary on foreign investment, and government plans to deal with these concerns. - Paraguay's plans, policies, motives, and intended actions on intellectual property rights issues. - The Paraguayan government position on or participation in the Venezuelan initiative to create a regional development bank, the Bank of the South.

    D. Military and Security Issues

    1) Critical Infrastructure Protection (INFR-4) - Paraguay's approach to critical infrastructure protection strategies and technologies; efforts to reduce the vulnerability of key systems, including energy (e.g., hydroelectric), telecommunications, and transportation. - Overtures to the United States and others for assistance in planning and implementing protective measures. - Legislation or executive actions undertaken to improve infrastructure security, especially the physical security of power generation and distribution systems.

    2) Military Structure and Capabilities (FMCC-4) - Capabilities of the military, current and future, in light of recent decisions to downsize and re-organize; objectives and expectations for the budget and missions of this future force. - Evidence of denial and deception (D&D) programs, including: personnel, organizations, strategies, tactics, technologies, activity scheduling, or support by foreign countries; evidence of satellite tracking or a satellite warning program, especially any foreign involvement. - Capabilities, plans, and intentions for participation in international peacekeeping operations. - Intentions with respect to cooperation with U.S. military forces, including the potential for reinstatement of a Status of Forces Agreement. - Information on military cooperation, assistance received or provided, or interaction with others in the region, for example, the training provided by Argentina; status of international military cooperation or assistance programs, such as the kinds of military support that might be offered by China, Iran, Venezuela, Taiwan, or other countries. - Plans and intentions for weapons and equipment acquisitions, including details on suppliers. - Reactions to major arms acquisitions by countries in the region. - Paraguayan views on Venezuelan and Bolivian military actions and activities, in particular, Bolivian deployments near the border of Paraguay. - Indigenous R&D, production, repair, maintenance or upgrade of military material. - Details on joint cooperation or co-production arrangements. - Details on military command, control, communications, computer and intelligence (C4I) systems. - Biographic and financial information and biometric data on military leaders.

    3) GRPO can provide text of this issue and related requirements.

    4) Health and Medical Developments (HLTH-4) - Infectious disease outbreaks; national strategies for dealing with infectious disease, including detection and control. - Capabilities and quality of medical care in private, public, and military medical facilities. - Disaster planning and response capability. - Sources, locations and levels of environmental and chemical contamination of air, water, food, and soil that might affect health; content and location of toxic industrial chemical production and storage facilities.

    E. Information Infrastructure and Telecommunications (INFR-4) - Details of telecommunications and information systems, networks, and technologies supporting Paraguayan national leadership, military, foreign intelligence and security services (FISS), and civil sector communications. - Define Paraguayan wireless infrastructure, cellular provider information, and makes/models of cellular phones and their operating systems. - Define Paraguayan satellite communications infrastructure, to include VSAT networks and use of point to point systems. - Information on communications practices of Paraguayan government and military leaders, key foreign officials in country (e.g., Cuban, Venezuelan, Bolivian, Iranian, or Chinese diplomats), and criminal entities or their surrogates, to include telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses, call activity (date, time, caller numbers, recipient numbers), phone books, cell phone numbers, telephone and fax user listings, internet protocol (IP) addresses, user accounts, and passwords. - Identify national and supranational telecommunications regulatory, administrative, and maintenance organizations. - Identify scope of Paraguayan telecommunications encryption efforts, details on the use of and efforts to acquire modern telecom technologies, regional and national telecommunications policies, programs and regulations. - Details on information repositories associated with RFID enabled systems increasingly used for passports, government badges, and transportation system. RICE

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Why 80 Percent of Americans Don't Believe the Official Theory of 911

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

These days, Bush's only defenders with respect to 911 are 1) paid liars and hard cases left over from his utterly criminal and illegitimate administration; and 2) idiots whose only source of 'news' is Fox. Fox 'news', however, is an oxymoron, appropriate I suppose for a network of morons in service to morons.

Bush, it is said, could not have pulled off 911 alone. Of course not! A total tool, it most certainly was not even his idea. He was the 'titular' head of a loosely organized gang of power brokers and the motley crew of wing nuts who support them. God knows why!

Bush was and probably still is a puppet but not a good one. When the real history is known, we may find ourselves eternally grateful to Bush whose utter incompetence, his palpable stupidity, his painful, hardly bearable inarticulateness revealed however inadvertently the truth about how our nation was usurped by an ever smaller ruling elite. Last time I checked this 'elite' was only 1 percent of the total population and most surely diminishing. One day, they will have put themselves out of business. In theory, at least!

Nevertheless, it was under Bush that several wars --some phony, some real --were fought on their behalf. The most obvious war was the one with the phony name: 'War on Terrorism', a classic misnomer. It is more accurately described as the 'War of Oil and Resource Theft'. I suppose that we were expected to believe that God himself intervened with 911 and gave Bushco the pretext it would need to attack and invade those nations having precisely those resources that had been most coveted by the Dick, otherwise called 'Cheney'.
Those having knowledge and/or participating with Dick Cheney in any way most probably have guilty knowledge of the method by which a pretext to attack and invade the Middle East was obtained.

Some of those having this 'guilty knowledge' include Marvin Bush who was in charge of WTC security. He was in a position to help plan it. Had there been a real investigation of the crime of 911, he would have been a prime suspect. As head of WTC 'security', Marvin would have been a position to know about, perhaps direct, the placement of explosive making possible a series of obvious controlled demolitions that provided the pre-text Bushco required to seize the resources for sponsors like Halliburton et al.

The weakest leak is Larry Silverstein who let the cat out of the bag. WTC 7 was 'pulled' he said on video tape and it was Larry that gave the order! Within about 15 minutes, his order was carried out. A controlled demolition! Two facts put 'Lucky' in a bad light: 1) it takes considerably more than 15 minutes to prep a 47 story building for demolition; 2) 'Lucky' was financially upside down with the acquisition of the WTC 'white elephants'. An insurance pay-off conveniently bailed him out. Lucky, indeed!

The Dancing Israelis

I believe that the 'Dancing Israelis' were Mossad Agents. On broadcast TV, they boasted that they had gone to New York for the purpose of 'documenting' the event now called 911. That's guilty foreknowledge, probable cause to investigate 911 and everyone connected with it it starting with the prescient Israelis.

Dick Cheney's 'Energy Task Force', in fact, met prior to 911 for the purpose of carving up the oil fields of Iraq. They would need a pre-text! Were they 'prescient'? If not, that event speaks to 'motive'. Dick Cheney's Halliburton got almost all the contracts from the Bush admin just as did I.G. Farben, Thyssen et al from Hitler prior to his invasion of Poland. It's the fascist/Nazi way.Essential 911 boils down to this:
  • The Bush Official Conspiracy Theory of 911 is utterly impossible by science and circumstance. It did not happen!
  • Even members of the 911 Commission, prominently John Farmer now DISOWN the 911 Commission Report and that of the NIST. Both are works of pure fiction, ignore established peer-reviewed physics and ignore the glaring holes in the official cover.
When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however implausible, must be the truth!

Apologies to Sherlock Holmes! At last --who benefits? The truth is simply this: 911 was an inside job, a Mossad-CIA operation on behalf of a crooked coalition to include big oil, Halliburton, of course. All of them benefited!

If the MSM had been doing its job, good folk like my friends Dr. David Griffin and Kevin Barrett would have an easier time of it. Initially, the Bush admin utilized its 'leverage' throughout the corporate media to shut up the opposition. The most egregious tactic was to impugn the patriotism of anyone daring to point out the fact that the official theory is impossible for many reasons not the least of which is that it defies the basic laws of physics.

Physics, of course, is no longer taught in schools,. As the GOP has risen in power and influence, educational standards declined. That is the verifiable record of GOP failure in Texas which --as a result of the back to back Bush/Perry debacles now trails the nation in high school graduations.

It is hard to make the case that the official theory defies the laws of physics to millions whohave have never darkened the door of a high school, let alone a university physics lab. The GOP is 'anti-intellectual' for a reason. Mass ignorance as a result of their domination of the media and their overt subversion of education are effective covers for their many crimes....

CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 invented Al-CIAda....

Al Qaeda was a U.S. creation, specifically a product of inverted right wing psuedo logic. If 'al Qaeda' did not exist, never mind --the shills would invent it and cite it to justify wars abroad, crackdowns on freedom at home! They would bestow upon it a virtual existence via press releases, propaganda and outright lies --deliberate attempts to mislead the American people!

Bin Laden should pay royalties to the U.S. right wing if, indeed, he ever benefited from his new found celebrity, his holographic 'creation' by the mass media, his elevation to arch-enemy status! His is falsely characterized as the 'mega-terrorist' brain behind a sinister world terrorist organization resembling an octopus with tentacles in every real or fictitious terrorist attack. There had not been anything like it since Bond fought SPECTRE --an evil terrorist organization specializing in terrorism and extortion. In the Bushco rewrite the part of Blofeld is played by Bin Laden.

It was a crock!

It was the CIA which bestowed upon Bin Laden himself his near mythical image of sinister master terrorist who commanded a vast world wide network from deep inside a cave in Tora Bora. This was all really, really bad fiction. Many Hollywood producers would have laughed out of their offices anyone daring to pitch it! It was, it seems, a very, very bad rewrite of Ala Baba and his 40 thieves. Ali, like Binny, lived in a cave but --alas --did not have cell phones. But neither did Bin Laden.
The immediate acceptance of the Bush official conspiracy theory proves the diminishing IQs of those who insist upon believing it. The consolation is this: the CIA has no future in Hollywood!

A bad b-movie!

According to the official version of the lie (charitably: the 'myth') goes something like this: the CIA and the Saudis are said to have funded and armed Bin Laden throughout the 80s. His mission impossible: wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. In fact, Bin Laden was working for the CIA....

Simply --Al-Qaeda means 'the base'; in this case --the computer data base of thousands of mujahideen trained and recruited by the CIA. The mission: defeat the Russians. This is cold war James Bond stuff and, in some cases, a just a bad rewrite. Life imitates spy movies.

The problem has become apparent over time: Washington did not know what to do with this 'database', this network that had become obsolete with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It obviously never occurred to DC spooks and/or analysts that with the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, Ala Baba, uh, Bin Laden would focus upon U.S. imperialism throughout the Middle East! But did he? More likely --he was just the convenient scapegoat for an inside job that would become the pre-text, the boogie-man to be cited as justifying a war for the oil resources of Iraq, the poppy (opium) resources of Afghanistan and TAPI.....

The source for how 'al Qaeda' got its name is Sir Robin Cook, the former British Foreign Secretary. In order to protest the British connection to this sorry story, Cook resigned his job.

Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered

The New 'Commies' (playlist)


Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?

Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?

The success of the cover up and quick removal of the debris without a thorough independent investigation in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 gave confidence to those tasked to do the same on 9/11.
Bomb Damage Analysis of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building by Brigadier Gen. Benton K. Partin USAF (Ret.)
Note that there is no Wikipedia entry for Gen. Partin but the U.S. Air Force site does a biography....."> name="allowFullScreen" value="true">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAcce="always" width="640" height="390">

Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer's CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to give the US "anything it asked" and that the war was therefore--from the perspective of US interests--not only utterly unnecessary, but wildly counterproductive. Lindauer's evidence points strongly to 9/11 being a coup d'etat by hard-line Zionists determined to steer the US into a self-destructive war on Israel's enemies.

Listen to my complete interview with Susan Lindauer here. Below is a transcript of the first half of the interview.

Kevin Barrett, PhD

I understand that you had some 9/11 foreknowledge, but were actually busted for trying to explain to the Bush Administration through your cousin Andrew Card, that invading Iraq was insane, that the Iraqis were basically going to do anything we wanted anyway--they'll agree to anything for peace--and that there would be a terrible resistance and a terrible war if there was an invasion. And for that very accurate and prescient warning, they went after you.

Well, you have a very good grasp of this issue, I will tell you. It is a complicated story. I was one of the very few (CIA) assets covering Iraq before the war. And I had established contact with the Iraqi embassy at the United Nations in New York back in August of 1996. And for seven years before the invasion, I was what they call a "back channel" to Iraq on the question of terrorism. That was my foremost priority. This was covert in the sense that it was covert to the West. But the Iraqis were fully informed as to who I was and what I was doing and what my purpose was. My motivation was that I hated the United Nations sanctions. I hated the genocidal consequences and suffering for the Iraqi people, most truly and genuinely--that was very sincere. And they knew it. And both sides knew my politics. In fact, the CIA had come to me knowing my politics and said "hey, why don't you try to help us." They co-opted me--they did--but I agreed to be co-opted. We all understood each other. And that's very important for what happened.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a role for people who are intermediaries between warring parties and who try to make peace. And it sounds like that's what you were doing.

Yes indeed. And both sides understood my politics, that I wanted to help end the sanctions. And the CIA was very adamant that Iraq had to meet certain criteria in order for that to happen. And my contribution from the very first days was on terrorism. Our team started what we called preliminary talks with Baghdad in November of 2000, two years before the United Nations got involved. Our team started back channel talks to get Iraq's agreement on the weapons inspections. And over the next fifteen months, my supervisor, Richard Fuisz (pronounced "fuse"), through talks at the Iraqi embassy, mostly with Iraq's ambassador Dr. Sayeed Hassan, and with other senior Iraqi diplomats, on what conditions Iraq would have to accept in order to resume the weapons inspections. And at that point we had begun to develop a comprehensive peace framework which extended great support to anti-terrorism. Iraq agreed to let the FBI come into Baghdad and operate a task force that would have authority--this was before 9/11 ever happened! Nine months before 9/11 happened, Iraq agreed to have the FBI come into Baghdad with the authority to conduct terrorism investigations, interview witnesses, make arrests. After 9/11, Iraq agreed to give financial records on al-Qaeda to the United States. BUT the United states didn't want to take the records.


It makes you wonder why not.

Isn't that an interesting question.

It leads me to (my next question): You apparently had some kind of foreknowledge of 9/11. Can you explain to us what that was?

Yes. This is a very interesting thing, and I'm glad...I hope your audience will pay attention to this. We absolutely expected 9/11 to happen. And there's a subtlety here that I hope your audience will appreciate. In April and May of 2001 I was summoned to my CIA handler's office and told that I needed to confront the Iraqi diplomats at the United Nations, through my back channel, with a demand for any fragment of intelligence regarding airplane hijackings and/or airplane bombings. And over the summer, that progressed to a deep belief that there was going to be an airplane hijacking attack, and some sort of aerial strike, on the World Trade Center. We talked about this in our one-on-one meetings practically every week. Just so we are clear, this was not a one-time conversation. This was a major focus of our efforts. Richard (Fuisz, Lindauer's CIA handler) was very worried about it, very agitated about it, how Iraq must give us this intelligence. Now, I don't mean to patronize you, but I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of deniability. I do not think that Richard Fuisz knew all the details of 9/11. However, he knew enough. My book Extreme Prejudice goes into the conversations that we had in great detail. And he knew the timing of the attack. By August 2001, Richard was telling me not to go into New York City because this attack was immanent. And on the day of FBI Director Robert Mueller's confirmation hearings, which I think was August 2nd--in my book it's very clear, I've checked all the dates--Richard Fuisz told me that the attack was immanent. And I said, well, I'm going up to New York to ask my Iraqi sources about this again. And he said "Don't go to New York, it's too dangerous, I don't want you going there again." And I said "I'm just going up this weekend, and I promise I will not go back to New York." And that's how close this was. They knew a great deal. And what was interesting is that after 9/11, I get arrested, and he gets thirteen million dollars in payoffs. (laughs)

(laughing) Oh boy. That's amazing. They arrested you, because they were probably concerned about you revealing the contents of your conversations with Richard, among other things.

Oh yes, absolutely. And the fact that there was a peace option on the table that had been developed over a two year period before the war, a comprehensive peace framework. It included cooperation on anti-terrorism; it included the weapons inspections, of course--you already knew that; and it included Iraq's commitment to donate economic reconstruction--donate is not the right word--to dedicate economic reconstruction contracts to United States corporations with preferential treatment, preferential contracts in telecommunications, health care, pharmaceuticals, and transportation. This was a comprehensive peace framework! We covered everything! We covered a lot. And nobody even knows about this!

That's amazing. There have been general reports of this nature, including post-9/11, right up to the eve of the invasion, there have been reports that Saddam Hussein was willing to give the US basically everything it wanted to hold off the invasion.

Yes. Yes.


That leads to the question: Why do you think, given that you recognize just how insane this invasion was, how completely unnecessary--the Iraqis were caving as far as they had to cave anyway--what was the point?

Yes, literally, Iraq said to me: "What is it the United States wants? Anything that the United States asks for, we will give them. Just tell us what it is!" When I was on a trip to Baghdad, they offered to buy one million American-made automobiles every year for ten years. And (an Iraqi diplomat) said to me, "Look, Susan, if ten years isn't enough, we'll make it twenty years."

You know, Susan, you're kind of ruining Saddam Hussein's posthumous reputation as somebody who stood up to the U.S.!

He was more harsh on terrorists than we were.

He didn't get along with al-Qaeda, and he didn't get along with Islamists of any kind, including the Iranians.


That's right.

You would have thought that the U.S. would have just kept running him as an American puppet. He got his start as a CIA hit man, apparently.


Yes indeed.

So why, why this insane insistence on going to war with Iraq--a war that has killed one and a half million innocent Iraqis and destroyed that country. What was the purpose of it?

It was so incredibly stupid. And 9/11...9/11 could have been used at the start...9/11 was a tragedy, a terrible, terrible tragedy, but 9/11 could have accomplished great good. Because right after 9/11 Iraq went into high mode of giving. They were offering us everything we wanted: Financial records on al-Qaeda, proof of a Middle Eastern link to what we used to call the inter-Arab group of terrorists, which was actually an amalgamation of several different terrorist factions, coalesced into al-Qaeda. They were willing to prove that there was a Middle Eastern link to the Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on the World Trade Center, and those included financial documents, bank records...we could have tracked the money that's financing terrorism around the world. Instead what we do is, we create an enemy. Because it looks better--the politicians could go grandstand. As a former (CIA) asset I can assure you, they don't actually do anything on terrorism. They give speeches. They go wave their hands in the parades. But they don't do anything to contribute to anti-terrorism efforts. But the people have been fooled by their showmanship and their grandstanding and their spectacle. It's like a circus performance now! In fact, before 9/11, there were 200 to 300 terrorists in the world who wanted to attack America. Now, after 9/11 and after the war in Iraq and after the war on Afghanistan, there are only about 2000 to 3000 individuals whose entire focus of life is revenge and coming into the United States and attacking us. That's only 3000 people. The way I look at it, this is like a high school auditorium that you could fill with the potential terrorists. That's it! This is an invention! We've made this up!


Right. Very well put. I've often explained to people that there was no real terrorist threat pre-9/11, and that for every one person pre-9/11 who was bent on doing harm to the US, there must be a great many today, because of all the terrible things that have gone on since 9/11.


So the question then, it just sheer total incompetence and stupidity and grandstanding and egotism--I'm sure all of that contributes to it, but---uh...well, frankly, Susan, my take on all of this is that 9/11 was a Mossad operation, that it was of course done through Cheney's office. There were no hijackings. The guys that they blamed for it were not terrorists at all. They weren't even on the planes. There is not a shred of evidence that any of these guys were on those planes, nor is there a shred of actual evidence that there were any hijackings. Instead, we had a military operation that was essentially a Zionist coup d'état by the Likkud faction that wanted to destroy Iraq so it would never be a threat to Israel. A prosperous Iraq, allied to the US, would actually be terrible for Israel. That's why they wouldn't take the deals that you were brokering. Care to comment?

I think that you are--I do believe in the hijackings, but I believe in everything else that you have just said. One of the things that came out right after 9/11: I've often been asked by people what my CIA handler Richard Fuisz's source was for the 9/11 attack. And he told me briefly, he let it slip. Immediately after the attack, when we were all in a state of shock, he said to me...the first building had collapsed, but it was before the second building collapsed. This is a very important time frame. He made reference to video tape, which by the way was not released to the public until the next day, but right after 9/11 Richard Fuisz already knows about this video tape! Right after the attack--the first building has collapsed, the second one is still standing--and we're both talking in the living room, we're both shouting--I'm in my living room, he's in his living room, and we're shouting at the televisions--and he blurts out to me: "Susan, how many times do you think a camera is cued up waiting for a car accident to occur?" He said, "What do you think are the odds that those two people were just standing on the sidewalk with a video camera waiting patiently for the plane to hit the building?" And he said, "Those are Mossad agents. They knew that the World Trade Center was about to get hit, and they were waiting there for it to happen so they could record it and put it out in the media." Now this is before it has even come out in the media. He identifies them as Mossad agents, and I believe--I'm convinced--that that was the source of our knowledge of al-Qaeda. But what you guys don't know, which I will throw out to you, which comes out in my book, is that from April and May of 2001 onwards, Richard Fuisz instructed me to threaten the Iraqis with war. Now everybody assumes that the war stuff came after 9/11. But it didn't. They had decided months before 9/11 ever happened that as soon as this attack occurred, this would be the motivation for the war. So they absolutely knew that this attack was coming. They knew that it was going to be in late August or September. And that opens up a whole new dynamic proving what you have just said: That it was a Mossad conspiracy, that there was complicity...maybe that's a better word, complicity...I'm going to go a little softer on the language than you. Mossad complicity.


I would argue that it's a little more than complicity--that the demolitions of the three tallest buildings ever taken down in controlled demolitions required immense skill and military specialization and so on...


Oh yes, when I say complicity, I include that in it. Yes. I believe in the detonations. In I have time to tell you one story before break?

Tell it, go for it.


While I was writing my book, I had a high-ranking State Department official, who has a very very high, top-top-top security classification, and I cannot name him for you because I don't want to hurt his reputation. He's close to retirement, he's going to have a pension--they would crush him if he was ever exposed, I suspect. He thinks it too. He says that a couple of weeks before 9/11, at the end of August, for about two weeks, strange vans were arriving at the World Trade Center at three o' clock in the morning. They were staying from about three o' clock to about four-thirty or five. They were coming in for a brief period. And he swore to me that he personally had investigated the janitorial services, and he said "I know first hand how many employees the janitorial service had, what their trucks looked like, what their revenues were like, where they lived." He said "we know the addresses." We are confident that none of the people from the janitorial services were tied to these trucks. It had never happened before, it was a unique thing. This was not a constant thing like over a six month period. It was a strange anomaly right before (the attack on) the World Trade Center. And he was convinced that this was government-level thermite, government-level weapons, that had been put into either the stairwells or the elevator shafts. And he is convinced that this is when it happened.....