Thursday, April 28, 2011

Arab revolts, cable leaks point to close Mossad links to Arab dictatorships

April , 2011 -- Arab revolts, cable leaks point to close Mossad links to Arab dictatorships for decades...

New Arab World order poised to break links to Mossad.....?

For good reason, many Israeli leaders looked with trepidation on the popular revolts throughout the Arab world that have seen Tunisia's and Egypt's dictators ousted and are forcing other regimes against the wall. It has emerged in the aftermath of the popular uprisings and from a few leaked US State Department cables that Israel's Mossad has enjoyed a close relationship with the top leaders, including the intelligence chiefs, of the former regimes of Tunisia and Egypt, as well as the monarchy in Bahrain and the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia. Leila Traboulsi, wife of Tunisia's Ben Ali was a Mossad agent recruited in the 1980s and made close to Ben Ali for years before getting to marry him....

According to North African press reports, the former personal bodyguard for ousted Tunisian President Zin El Abedin Ben Ali claims that Ben Ali and former first lady, Laila el Traboulsi, are fervent supporters of Israel and that Trabolsi was a Mossad agent who helped Israeli intelligence assassinate a number of Palestinian leaders exiled in Tunisia. The former bodyguard, Abdel Rahman Sobeir, made the revelations on Facebook and YouTube.

After the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, it was announced that his number two, former head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Omar Suleiman, had a close relationship with Mossad and CIA. Suleiman even enjoyed open door access into Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem. The revelations about Suleiman partly came from leaked State Department cables. Suleiman is now under investigation by Egypt's transitional military government. Suleiman, and Asef Shawkat of Syria's SMI both assisted the CIA in its kidnapping and torture program, was so infamous as a torturer, he was called "Sheikh al Torture" by Egyptians.

Leaked State Department cables also confirmed that a close link exists between Mossad and Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his intelligence service. Another leaked cable pointed to Israel's close covert links to Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The United States has been supportive of the bloody crackdown by the Gulf states against domestic opposition forces, particularly by Bahrain, Yemen, Syria and Oman.

Mossad's links to Saudi intelligence are also known to be close, with the two intelligence services sharing common goals vis a vis Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, pro-Iranian elements in Hamas, and Fatah. As opposition to the Saudi regime has grown, more information has been leaked out about the long-time Saudi-Israeli intelligence and security links. The Saudis sent troops to Bahrain to help its pro-Israeli king put down and crush viciously an opposition uprising.

We have previously reported on Mossad's close ties with the Moroccan government and its intelligence services and the fact that a series of U.S. ambassadors to Rabat have also been strong supporters of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Anti-government demonstrations have also taken place throughout Morocco.

Former Israeli National Security Council chairman Uzi Arad, a one-time top Mossad agent at the Israeli embassy in Washington, was also known to have maintained close contacts with Jordanian and Syrian intelligence during his 20-year career as a Mossad officer. Arad also maintained close ties to Egyptian intelligence during Mubarak's rule.

Lebanese military intelligence has rounded up scores of Mossad agents in Lebanon. The agents had penetrated Lebanon's military, intelligence, and telecommunications companies. Mossad also reportedly has in place a number of agents among top Syrian opposition groups. Mossad agents have also operated in force in Iraqi Kurdistan and are known to have links to top Kurdistan Regional Government officials. Iraqi Kurdistan has also been the scene of a number of anti-government demonstrations and riots.

The Israeli security firm Global CST, considered to be a virtual private arm of Mossad, has reportedly been very active in Libya, Algeria, Lebanon and Sudan's Darfur province....