Philip Marshall, 9/11 analysis author and one-time associate of CIA and Drug Enforcement Administration informant Barry Seal, had in his possession something that someone was willing to kill for. Marshall, his 17-year old son Alex, 14-year old daughter Macaila, and pet Shih-tzu "Suki" were shot to death in their Murphys, California home some time during the evening of January 31. The Calaveras County Sheriff ruled the gun shot deaths a murder-suicide with Marshall being the culprit. Marshalls was found dead with a single bullet to the left side of his head. Marshall's children had been shot one time each through the head. The dog was found in a bedroom shot once.
The Sheriff's Department authorized the crime scene to be cleaned by professional cleaners even though on at least two occasions after the yellow crime scene tape was lifted from the premises, law enforcement officers, including those driving a state of California vehicle, were seen searching the Marshall home.
On January 20, Marshall attended an Obama inauguration party at a neighbor's home. In his books, Marshall claimed that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Saudi government, and neo-cons were behind the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Phil Marshall with his children at a recent family wedding in North Carolina.
After WMR investigated the area around the Marshall home on February 13 and discovered a number of empty banker's boxes at the front door, we were informed that later that evening, someone broke into the house via a sliding door at the rear of the home in the gated community of Forest Meadows.
The next day, two family members and a friend of Marshall's estranged wife reportedly entered the home and rifled through drawers and boxes of papers in the garage in search of something. Forest Meadows Homeowners Association president David Turner was alerted to their presence and told them they had no permission to enter the premises. Turner also remarked that they "were making quite a mess." According to a neighbor, the estranged in-laws claimed they were looking for bills that had to be paid. It is known that Marshall was working on a fourth book. Marshall told a close friend shortly before his death: "You're not going to believe the stuff I'm going to have in the next book."
Marshall's friends are not sure what happened to his computer, with some reporting it is being held by the Sheriff's office and others claiming it is in the possession of Marshall's estranged wife. WMR has obtained a web posting from an in-law of Marshall's that states that in dealing with members of the press, high school friends of Marshall's children are to answer: ". . . this is a result of a DIAGNOSED (caps in original) mentally ill person getting their hands on a gun." There is no record of Marshall being diagnosed with a mental illness. He had only been treated temporarily in the past for depression.

Phil Marshall, standing next to CIA's Learjet, tail number N13SN, in July 1984 at the major CIA arms-drugs transfer point of Mena, Arkansas. Mena operated pursuant to an unwritten agreement between Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and CIA director William Casey. Marshall, a contract pilot for the CIA and DEA before joining Eastern Airlines, flew DEA informant Barry Seal into and out of Lakefront and Mena after the former TWA pilot and one-time associate of CIA operatives Ted Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, and Port Goss lost his pilot's license amid a federal investigation of drug smuggling by Medellin drug lords and CIA alles Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez and Pablo Escobar. A longtime friend of Marshall's told WMR that Marshall, after becoming an Eastern pilot, told him when he first saw indicted Iran-contra scandal figure Lt. Col. Oliver North on television he remarked that he had met him at New Orleans Lakefront Airport. Marshall's first book, a novel titled Lakefront Airport," was based on his recollections of his time working with Seal, the DEA, and CIA.
North was involved in smuggling cocaine from Colombia in return for Escobar's and the Medellin cartel's support for arming the Nicaraguan contras. Seal was gunned down in his car execution-style in 1986 in Baton Rouge shortly before he was to testify against senior White House officials, including Vice President George H W Bush, whose private phone number was found in the trunk of Seal's car along with Seal's Honduran passport issued under the name of Joseph C. Warren. Seal also used the alias of Ellis Mackenzie.

Seal, shot multiple times in his car in Baton Rouge on February 19, 1986.
Seal's fate was sealed by U.S. Judge Frank Polozola, a Bush family associate on the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana, who made it impossible for Seal to remain safe by only giving him the options of entry into the federal witness protection program or prison. Polozola remains on the federal bench as a senior judge. The remainder of the cleaning up operation on Seal's estimated $1.2 net worth was handled by U.S. Judge Martin Feldman, a Reagan-appointee, who later was found to be a stockholder of BP and Transocean, two firms involved in the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Feldman did not reuse himself from cases involving the oil disaster and the firms. Feldman also serves on the top secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Empty banker's boxes at Marshall's front door: Marshall's friends have expressed interest in what brutal murderers, burglars, and even estranged family members were trying to find...