The post-Christian Zioconned Western society has basically degenerated to the point where it is unable to articulate anything around the concepts of "right" or "wrong". A society begins by declaring that "God is dead" and you end up having "leaders of the free world" like Clinton, his infamous "cigar"...and his most infamous White House Murder INC,...
Leaders, Real men are by definition always deeply moral and principled in all their actions, be it as officers, as husbands, fathers or friends. Ideas such as "God is dead" or "beyond good and evil" sound very "cool", but their practical application always means the decay and eventual death of the entity which attempts to live by such fallacies. You begin with such nonsense, and you end up being ruled by an entire generation of ass-kissing chickenshits...all over the Globe...
The discovery of Broadwell's license in Rock Creek Park in
DC is a mystery... It has been determined that she is hiding out at her
brother's house near the park. But why would Broadwell, the most
easily-recognized woman in Washington, DC, risk being confronted by the public
while jogging in Rock Creek Park. There is the possibility that Broadwell's
license was stolen and was placed in the park as a veiled warning for the
40-year old not to talk about details of her affair with Petreaus and her other
"connections." Broadwell must be fully aware of what Rock Creek Park and
mistresses mean to everyone in Washington, DC: it is the place where Chandra
Levy's remains were discovered a year after she disappeared. We previously
reported that Levy was murdered because she began telling friends what Condit, a
member of the House Intelligence Committee, had told her about the upcoming
terrorist attack using passenger airplanes on the United States. Condit insisted
that Levy not fly back to California but that she should take Amtrak. The
discovery of Khawam's in-laws' lobbying connections to America's airline,
communications, electronic warfare, and intelligence industries should make
Broadwell stop and think what coded messages about Levy's fate and the barbaric
inside Job of 9/11 are being sent her way. Of course, the Khawam in-laws also
have connections to the thousand pound elephant in the 9/11 room: Israel... And
that should focus attention on Cantor, Binyamin Netanyahu's old pal Mitt Romney,
and other members of Congress who were hoping for a Jimmy Carter-like October
Surprise for Obama arising from the Benghazi diplomatic compound
Broadwell's father, Paul Kranz, of Bismarck, North Dakota, has
said, "This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out."
Broadwell would do well to heed her dad...
And as for professional women
who ply themselves to the rich and powerful, Washington, DC was the scene of an
escort service that used highly-intelligent women to bed down politicians,
Pentagon brass, and diplomats. After going public with her clients' phone list,
Pamela Martin & Associates proprietor Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found
hanging in her mother's laundry room in Florida. Levy and Palfrey: two names to
keep in mind as the Petraeus scandal unfolds...
The FBI agent friend of Jill Kelley has been identified as
Frederick W. Humphries, 47 and married. Assigned to Tampa, he has been described
as "obsessive" in pursuit of Arab and Muslim terrorist suspects. In other words,
he fits the bill as an Islamophobe and blends in nicely with the cabal that was
out to set up Obama in an October Surprise, including the Lebanese Maronite
Christian Kelley, nee Khawam. It was Humphries who sent "shirtless" photos of
himself to Kelley, described by Humphries' de facto union general counsel
Lawrence Berger of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers' Association as a
"joke." Kelley has been described as a liaison between Central Command and the
representatives of various Middle East nations. Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, both
involved in supporting the Libyan rebels who attacked the U.S. consulate in
Benghazi, have officers assigned to CENTCOM at MacDill Air Force Base. Kelley
has had her "Friends of MacDill" social pass for the base
Although Humphries allegedly spoke to Rep. Reichert in
Washington, it was an FBI colleague of Humphries who reportedly spoke to Eric
Cantor. The rabbit hole gets deeper....
Members Of Romney For President Military Advisory
Council (or is that Emergency COMmunications CONtrol -- ECOMCON -- from "Seven
Days in May?"...
Stanley McChrystal isn't on this list of
Ziocons.... He may know a lot, an awful lot....LOL
Admiral James B. Busey, USN, (Ret.)
General James
T. Conway, USMC, (Ret.)
General Terrence R. Dake, USMC, (Ret)
James O. Ellis, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, USM, (Ret.)
Ronald R. Fogleman, USAF, (Ret)
Admiral S. Robert Foley Jr.,USN,
General Tommy Franks, USA, (Ret)
General Alfred Hansen, USAF,
Admiral Ronald Jackson Hays, USN, (Ret)
Admiral Thomas Bibb Hayward,
USN, (Ret)
General Chuck Albert Horner, USAF, (Ret)
Admiral Jerome LaMarr
Johnson, USN, (Ret)
Admiral Timothy J. Keating, USN, (Ret)
General Paul X.
Kelley, USMC, (Ret)
General William Kernan, USA, (Ret)
Admiral George E.R.
Kinnear II, USN, (Ret)
General William L. Kirk, USAF, (Ret)
General James
J. Lindsay, USA, (Ret)
General William R. Looney III, USAF, (Ret)
Hank Mauz, USN, (Ret)
General Robert Magnus, USMC, (Ret)
Admiral Paul
David Miller, USN, (Ret)
General Robert C. Oaks, USAF, (Ret.)
Henry Hugh Shelton, USA, (Ret)
General Lance Smith, USAF, (Ret)
Leighton Smith, Jr., USN, (Ret)
General Ronald W. Yates, USAF,
Admiral Ronald J. Zlatoper, USN, (Ret)
Lieutenant General James
Abrahamson, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Teddy G. Allen, USA,
Lieutenant General Edgar Anderson, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
General Marcus A. Anderson, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Buck Bedard,
USMC, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral A. Bruce Beran, USCG, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Lyle
Bien, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Harold Blot, USMC, (Ret.)
General H. Steven Blum, USA, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Mike Bowman III, USN,
Vice Admiral Mike Bucchi, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Walter E.
Buchanan III, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Richard A. Burpee, USAF,
Lieutenant General William Campbell, USAF, (Ret.)
General James E. Chambers, USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Edward W. Clexton, Jr.,
USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General John B. Conaway, USAF, (Ret.)
General Marvin Covault, USA, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Terry M. Cross, USCG,
Vice Admiral William Adam Dougherty, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General
Brett Dula, USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral William Earner, USN,
Lieutenant General John S. Fairfield, USAF, (Ret.)
General Gordon E. Fornell, USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral David Frost, USN,
Vice Admiral Henry C. Giffin III, USN, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Peter M.
Hekman, USN, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Richard D. Herr, USCG, (Ret.)
General Thomas J Hickey, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Walter S. Hogle,
Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Ronald W. Iverson, USAF,
Lieutenant General Donald W. Jones, USA, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral
Douglas J. Katz, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Jay W. Kelley, USAF,
Vice Admiral Tom Kilcline, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Timothy
A. Kinnan, USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Harold Koenig, M.D., USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Albert H. Konetzni, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Buford Derald
Lary, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Frank Libutti, USMC, (Ret.)
Admiral Stephen Loftus, USN, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Michael Malone, USN,
Vice Admiral Edward H. Martin, USN, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral John J.
Mazach, USN, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Justin D. McCarthy, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral William McCauley, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Fred McCorkle, USMC,
Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney, USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral
Joseph S. Mobley, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Carol Mutter, USMC,
Lieutenant General Ira Owens, USA, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Dave
R. Palmer, USA, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral John Theodore "Ted" Parker, USN,
Lieutenant General Garry L. Parks, USMC, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General
Charles Henry "Chuck" Pitman, USMC, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Steven R. Polk,
USAF, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral William E. Ramsey, USN, (Ret.)
General Joseph J. Redden, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Clifford H. "Ted"
Rees, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Edward Rowny, USA (Ret.)
Admiral Dutch Schultz, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles J. Searock,
Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General E. G. "Buck" Shuler, USAF,
Lieutenant General Alexander M. "Rusty" Sloan, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Edward M. Straw, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General David J. Teal, USAF,
Lieutenant General Billy M. Thomas, USA, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Donald
C. "Deese" Thompson, USCG, (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Alan S. Thompson, USN,
Lieutenant General Herman O. "Tommy" Thomson, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Howard B. Thorsen, USCG, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General William Thurman,
USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert Allen "R.A." Tiebout, USMC,
Vice Admiral John B. Totushek, USNR, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General
George J. Trautman, USMC, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Garry R. Trexler, USAF,
Vice Admiral Jerry O. Tuttle, USN, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General
Claudius "Bud" Watts, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General William "Bill" Welser,
USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Thad A. Wolfe, USAF, (Ret.)
General C. Norman Wood, USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Michael W. Wooley,
USAF, (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Richard "Rick" Zilmer, USMC, (Ret.)
General Chris Adams, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Henry Amos, USN
Major General Nora Alice Astafan, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Almon
Bowen Ballard, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General James F. Barnette, USAF,
Major General Robert W. Barrow, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John R.
Batlzer, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Jon W. Bayless, USN, (Ret.)
General John E. Bianchi, USA, (Ret.)
Major General David F. Bice, USMC,
Rear Admiral Linda J. Bird, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral James H.
Black, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Peter A. Bondi, USN, (Ret.)
Major General
John L. Borling, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Tom Braaten, USMC,
Major General Patrick H. Brady, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Robert J.
Brandt, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Jerry C. Breast, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral
Bruce B. Bremner, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, USN,
Major General David P. Burford, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John F.
Calvert, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Jay A. Campbell, USN, (Ret.)
General Henry Canterbury, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral James J. Carey, USN,
Rear Admiral Nevin Carr, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Stephen K.
Chadwick, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral W. Lewis Chatham, USN, (Ret.)
General Jeffrey G. Cliver, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Casey Coane, USN,
Rear Admiral Isaiah C. Cole, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Stephen
Condon, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Richard C. Cosgrave, USANG, (Ret.)
Admiral Robert Cowley, USN, (Ret.)
Major General J.T. Coyne, USMC,
Rear Admiral Robert C. Crates, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Tommy F.
Crawford, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Gerald A. Daniel, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral James P. Davidson, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Kevin F. Delaney, USN,
Major General James D. Delk, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Robert E.
Dempsey, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Jay Ronald Denney, USNR, (Ret.)
General Robert S. Dickman, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral James C. Doebler, USN,
Major General Douglas O. Dollar, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Hunt
Downer, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Thomas A. Dyches, USAF, (Ret.)
General Jay T. Edwards, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General John R. Farrington, USAF,
Rear Admiral Francis L. Filipiak, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral James H.
Flatley III, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Charles Fletcher, USA,
Major General Bobby O. Floyd, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Veronica
Froman, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Vance H. Fry, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral R.
Byron Fuller, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral George M. Furlong, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Frank Gallo, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Ben F. Gaumer, USN,
Rear Admiral Harry E. Gerhard Jr., USN, (Ret.)
Major General Daniel
J. Gibson, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Andrew A. Giordano, USN, (Ret.)
General Richard N. Goddard, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Fred Golove, USCGR,
Rear Admiral Harold Eric Grant, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Jeff
Grime, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Robert Kent Guest, USA, (Ret.)
General Tim Haake, USAR, (Ret.)
Major General Otto K. Habedank, USAF,
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Hall, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Donald P.
Harvey, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Leonard W. Hegland, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral John Hekman, USN, (Ret.)
Major General John A. Hemphill, USA,
Rear Admiral Larry Hereth, USCG, (Ret.)
Major General Wilfred
Hessert, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Hickman, USN, (Ret.)
Major General
Geoffrey Higginbotham, USMC, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Grant Hollett, USN,
Major General Jerry D. Holmes, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Weldon F.
Honeycutt, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Steve Israel, USN, (Ret.)
General James T. Jackson, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John S. Jenkins, USN,
Rear Admiral Tim Jenkins, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Ron Jesberg,
USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Pierce J. Johnson, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral
Steven B. Kantrowitz, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John T. Kavanaugh, USN,
Major General George W. Keefe, ANG, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Stephen T.
Keith, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Dennis M. Kenneally, USA, (Ret.)
General Michael Kerby, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral David Kunkel, USCG,
Major General Geoffrey C. Lambert, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Arthur
Langston, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Thomas G. Lilly, USN, (Ret.)
General James E. Livingston, USMC, (Ret.)
Major General Al Logan, USAF,
Major General John D. Logeman Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Noah
H. Long Jr, USNR, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Loren, USN, (Ret.)
Major General
Andy Love, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Steven Wells Maas, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Robert M. Marquette,
USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Larry Marsh, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Clark W.
Martin, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General William M. Matz, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Gerard Mauer, USN, (Ret.)
Major General James C. McCombs, USAF,
Rear Admiral William J. McDaniel, MD, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral E.S.
McGinley II, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Henry C. McKinney, USN, (Ret.)
General Robert Messerli, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Douglas S. Metcalf, USAF,
Rear Admiral James E. Miller, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John W.
Miller, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Patrick David Moneymaker, USN,
Major General Mario Montero, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Douglas M.
Moore, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Walter Bruce Moore, USA, (Ret.)
General William Moore, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Burton R. Moore, USAF,
Rear Admiral James A. Morgart, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Stanton R.
Musser, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John T. Natter, USN, (Ret.)
General Michael Neil, USMCR, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Edward Nelson, Jr., USCG,
Major General Robert A. Nester, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General George
W. Norwood, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Robert C. Olsen, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral James D. Olson, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Raymund E. O’Mara, USAF,
Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John F.
Paddock, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Robert W. Paret, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Robert O. Passmore, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Earl G. Peck, USAF,
Major General Richard E. Perraut Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Major General
Gerald F. Perryman, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance, USN,
Rear Admiral John J. Prendergast, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Fenton
F. Priest, USN, (Ret.)
Major General David C. Ralston, USA, (Ret.)
General Bentley B. Rayburn, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Harold Rich, USN ,
Rear Admiral Roland Rieve, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Tommy F.
Rinard, USN , (Ret.)
Major General Richard H. Roellig, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Michael S. Roesner, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Davis Rohr, USAF,
Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Loran C.
Schnaidt, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Carl Schneider, USAF , (Ret.)
General John P. Schoeppner, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Edison E.
Scholes, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Robert H. Shumaker, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral William S. Schwob, USCG, (Ret.)
Major General David J. Scott, USAF,
Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Richard
Secord, USAF, (Ret.) (where have we heard that name before? The first "October
Surprise" that targeted President Jimmy Carter).
Rear Admiral William H.
Shawcross, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Joseph K. Simeone, USAF and ANG ,
Major General Darwin Simpson, ANG , (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Greg
Slavonic, USN , (Ret.)
Rear Admiral David Oliver "D.O." Smart, USNR,
Major General David R. Smith, USAF (Ret.)
Major General Richard D.
Smith, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Donald Bruce Smith, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Paul O. Soderberg, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Stan Spears, ANG,
Rear Admiral Robert H. "Bob" Spiro, USN, (Ret.)
Major General Henry
B. Stelling, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Daniel H. Stone, USN,
Brigadier General Joseph Stringham, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Ansel
M. Stroud, Jr., USA, (Ret.)
Major General William A. Studer, USAF,
Rear Admiral Hamlin Tallent, USN, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Hugh Banks Tant III, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Larry S. Taylor, USMC,
Major General J.B. Taylor, USA, (Ret.)
Major General Thomas R.
Tempel, USA , (Ret.)
Major General Richard L. Testa, USAF, (Ret.)
Admiral Jere Thompson, USN (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Byron E. Tobin, USN,
Rear Admiral Roger W. Triftshauser, USNR, (Ret.)
Major General
Larry Twitchell, USAF, (Ret.)
Major General Russell L. Violett, USAF,
Major General John G. Waggener, USA, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Edward K.
Walker, Jr., USN, (Ret.)
Major General David E.B. "DEB" Ward, USAF,
Major General Charles J. Wax, USAF, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Donald
Weatherson, USN, (Ret.)
Major General John Welde, USAF, (Ret.)
General Gary Whipple, USA , (Ret.)
Rear Admiral James B. Whittaker, USN,
Rear Admiral Charles Williams, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral H. Denny
Wisely, USN, (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Theodore J. Wojnar, USCG, (Ret.)
Admiral George R. Worthington, USN, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Arthur
Abercrombie, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General John R. Allen, USAF,
Brigadier General Loring R. Astorino, USAF, (Ret.)
General Richard Averitt, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Garry S. Bahling,
USANG, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Donald E. Barnhart, USAF, (Ret.)
General Charles L. Bishop, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Clayton Bridges,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Jeremiah J. Brophy, USA, (Ret.)
General R. Thomas Browning, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General David A. Brubaker,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Chalmers R. Carr, USAF, (Ret.)
General Fred F. Castle, USAFR, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Robert V. Clements,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Christopher T Cline, USAR, (Ret.)
General George Peyton Cole, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Richard A.
Coleman, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Mike Cushman, USAF,
Brigadier General Peter Dawkins, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Sam.
G. DeGeneres, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General George Demers, USAF,
Brigadier General Howard G. DeWolf, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Arthur F. Diehl, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General David Bob Edmonds, USAF,
Brigadier General Anthony Farrington, USAF, (Ret.)
General Norm Gaddis, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General E.J. Giering III, USA,
Brigadier General Robert H. Harkins, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Thomas W. Honeywill, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stanley V. Hood, USAF,
Brigadier General James J. Hourin, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Jack C. Ihle, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Thomas G. Jeter, USAF,
Brigadier General William Herbert Johnson, USAF, (Ret.)
General Kenneth F. Keller, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Wayne W. Lambert,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Jerry L. Laws, USA, (Ret.)
General Thomas J. Lennon, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General John M. Lotz, USAF,
Brigadier General Robert S. Mangum, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Frank Martin, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Joe Mensching, USAF,
Brigadier General Richard L. Meyer, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Lawrence A. Mitchell, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Michael P. Mulqueen,
USMC, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Ben Nelson, Jr., USAF, (Ret.)
General Jack W. Nicholson, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Maria C. Owens,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Dave Papak, USMC, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Gary A. Pappas, USANG, (Ret.)
Brigadier General John G. Pappas, USA,
Brigadier General Robert V. Paschon, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Allen K. Rachel, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Jon Reynolds, USAF,
Brigadier General Edward F. Rodriguez, Jr., USAFR, (Ret.)
General Harold W. Rudolph, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Roger Scearce, USA,
Brigadier General Dennis Schulstad, USAFR, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
John Serur, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Joseph L. Shaefer, USAF,
Brigadier General Graham Shirley, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Raymond Shulstad, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stan Smith, USAF,
Brigadier General Ralph S. Smith, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General
Donald Smith, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General David M. Snyder, USAF,
Brigadier General Michael Joseph Tashjian, USAF, (Ret.)
General Richard Louis Ursone, USA, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Earl Van Inwegen,
USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Robert V. Woods, USAF (Ret.)
General Terrence P. Woods, USAF, (Ret.)
Brigadier General Mitchell Zais, USA,
Brigadier General Allan Ralph Zenowitz, USA,